Industrial Decoman Cargando



Our daily endeavours to continue improving the quality of our services and the satisfaction of our clients, has led to our successful implementation of quality system ISO 9001, Environment ISO 14001, Occupational health and safety ISO 45001.

Company policy

The company APLICACIONES DECOMAN, S.L. dedicated to the business activities of industrial/commercial painting, passive fire protection, surface treatments, painting work and rehabilitation of building facades, seeks to ensure it remains a benchmark company within its field of expertise and to this end corporate management, adhering to the guidelines established in its Integrated Management System, issues the following policy:

  • To work with suppliers and subcontractors committed to the ongoing improvement of their products or services, and that guarantee quality and/or competitive pricing of same.
  • To employ qualified employees who, together with the appropriate technological resources, ensure the uniform quality of our work.
  • To involve all members of the organization in the development and improvement of the company's Integrated System.
  • To consider evolution of the context applicable to the organization as a starting point for improvement of the system.
  • To comply with, and ensure compliance, of all legal and other requirements, as well as those specific to the company itself, in relation to all its employees and those who carry out their activities on works under our aegis.
  • To establish a culture of continuous improvement within the organization, encouraging risk prevention and preventing the need for correction.
  • To provide the necessary tools to evaluate and assess the expectations and requirements of our clients and stakeholders, and thereby take appropriate measures to ensure their full satisfaction with our services.
  • To promote the training of our workforce, prompting consultations and active participation in the improvement of the company's Integrated System.
  • To commit to eliminate hazards, reduce risks and provide the necessary resources to allow for continuous improvement of the company's occupational safety and health.
  • To improve environmental management, environmental protection and remain committed to pollution prevention.
  • The company establishes a commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of injuries and any deterioration of good health, appropriate to the purpose, size, context, nature of the work to be undertaken. 
  • Management will provide the necessary means for this Policy to be understood, implemented and kept up to date for all interested parties.

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